Ali greeted us on the doorstep. We knew that we would stay here, an intimate place, with great food, halloumi, fried enough to taste heavenly, a salad with tomatoes, chestnuts and peppers, olives sprinkled with oil and sprinkled with aromatic herbs, omelette, homemade jams, honey and butter. Fresh and delicious!
Lista locatii
- Abu Dhabi
- Albania
- Anglia
- Austria
- Bali
- Belgia
- Caraibe
- Cehia
- Cipru
- Croatia
- Danemarca
- Dubai
- Elvetia
- Estonia
- Europa
- Franta
- Germania
- Grecia
- India
- Iordania
- Irlanda
- Islanda
- Israel
- Italia
- Liban
- Luxemburg
- Malaezia
- Maldive
- Malta
- Maroc
- Muntenegru
- Mykonos
- Norvegia
- Olanda
- Oman
- Polonia
- Portugalia
- Qatar
- Romania
- San Marino
- Scotia
- Serbia
- Seychelles
- Singapore
- Slovacia
- Slovenia
- Spania
- Sri Lanka
- Suedia
- Tadjikistan